You Tube Playlist

Here are some reddit posts involving us for your entertainment:

NJED Leaks SRP Submissions

NJED+WHSOC Invade J105348

N0MEX vs NJED: Halloween Skirmish.

WHSOC VS New Jovian Collective: Small wormhole armor brawl. (With Video and comms! AAR in comments.)

Grand Theft Fortizar Orca Style

NJED Leaks SRP Submissions… Again

We Got Evicted… But we have a new home!


I am only the worst because it is a reflection of the corp. – Bluedagger

desemond uno > Can I get c50 from my scrap?
Irie Igunen > not anymore … just scooped it
desemond uno > can you not attack me today?
Irie Igunen > lol no
Irie Igunen > this is wormhole space
desemond uno > fucked morning

When I applied to NJED I said in my application that I was a Holesale spy and they accepted me anyway